Selected Poems

“Here My Beloved” in The Missouri Review

“Our Archipelago” in The Offing

“Every Filipino Belongs to the Philippines” in KUOW

“Martial Law Memorial” in Bellingham Review

Three poems in Poetry Magazine

Three poems in swamp pink

“O Heat We Protest In” in Muzzle Magazine

“Not My Barong from the Closed-Down Asian Mart on Lake City Way but Another One” in Underblong

“In the Months Before My Beloved Is Tagged a Terrorist” in The Margins

Three poems in Honey Literary

Two poems in PANK Magazine

“Another Poem in Which My Grandpa Is Gone” in Poetry Northwest

Two poems in Tinderbox Poetry Journal

“My Grandpa Didn’t Immigrate, He Fled Japanese Occupation” in Hobart

Selected Essays

“An Empire Elsewhere” in Poetry Northwest

“There’s the Overthrow and There’s the Rebuild” in Poetry Northwest

Selected Media

Jack Straw Literary Podcast in Jack Straw SoundPages